Want to get high? Lift yourself up to into the air. And then – jump!

It was quite embarrassing. I had to confirm that I hadn't drank any alcohol in the last twelve hours. But I spent the previous evening at the friend's place and we drank some wine. The girl at the desk smiled at me: »It's okay. The problems are those who come drunk and want to sky dive.« And yet I felt like being ready for joining the AA ... But how could I possibly know that I'd be waken up next morning by a phone call saying I could come and jump?

Fortunately, we didn't drink that much and there was no hangover hanging over anything, so I drove to Lesce, the alpine town in Upper Carniola with a small airport and a skydiving school with a promise: »A beautiful panoramic flight with the airplane, the thrill while getting prepared to jump, the incredible mixture of feelings during the free fall, gliding through the clouds under the open parachute … That’s all part of the adventure you can only get by making a tandem skydive!«

I did it some years ago. But the skydiving school that made one of my big wishes to come true (Prosti pad) still exists and the panoramic views above Lesce are still the same. But: let the video speak!

It was really fantastic! There's lots of laughing – I laugh quite a lot, but not that much. I guess that was the only way to ease the distress :-). Especially when I was sitting on the edge of the plane cabin in front of my instructor, with our legs dangling in the air, 3000 meters above the ground. That was a bit scary. But then, the free fall, the shouting (they tell you to yell and you obey!)! And then the gliding through the air, surrounded with the the mountains; if the sky was clear I'd see all the Slovenian Alps. It was really a great experience that calls for more!

P. s.: And there's a hint: when you're grounded (literally) and when you calm down, you might find interesting that one of the most popular Slovenian tourist destinations is just around a corner. That's Bled with the oldest castle in Slovenia, built on the cliff above the glittering alpine lake.

P. s. s.: And there's another hint: Radovljica is even closer. Visit the charming old part of this small alpine town and find out why is it called »honestly sweet«!

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  1. Wonderful post. Thank you so much for sharing. :)

  2. Wonderful post. Thank you so much for sharing.Experience the first ever adventure of Tandem Jump in Skydiving in India. We’re here to dare you to take your craziness to a whole new altitude. While making sure it’s safe. so must visit to take your first ride beyond skies.. Skydiving

